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Exhibition: Friday 1 – Saturday 9 October. Open Thur/Fri/Sat 11-5pm


Opening event: Friday 1 October, 6-10pm
















Auction House is pleased to announce an exhibition with artist Andy Webster. Working individually and collaboratively across sculpture, performance, moving image, sound, drawing and curatorial practice Andy’s work is often in response to characteristics, approaches, attitudes and metaphors associated with a particular site, context, or discourse.


For Chimes, Andy will present an evolving array of works throughout the duration of the exhibition possibly including some of the following:


Chimes (2021)

Four moving head lighting fixtures, one unique hazer, driven by an audio recording composed of apple start-up chimes arranged chronologically from 1st release to last, time-stretched so as to follow the pattern and duration of Lee Gamble’s Girl Drop, found on the Kuang EP.


From C maj to B9 – Every Chord You’ll Ever Need To Play (2021)

A performer, for an unspecified duration, is asked to play, without rehearsal every chord listed in the Guitar Encyclopaedia and to do this chronologically beginning with C maj, working through to B9.


Keeping On Top Of The Top Ten Tunes (2021)

Ian Murray’s performance script, which proposes that a drummer accompanies a pre-recorded tape of the first ten seconds, of the top ten tunes, of the previous ten years, is restaged but extended to include the top ten tunes of every year from the five decades that have passed since the original work was performed 50 years ago.


Through Whites (2021)

Three 35mm carousel slide projectors are driven by interval timers to project an unspecified quantity of Pantone red, blue and green colour slides on top of each other resulting in sequences of the colour white.


Shelley (2020)

Two vintage colour fusion light bars are driven by a looped audio recording of two notes repeated sixty-six times ending reach time with a modulated seventh.


Reintroducing the Bass Error (2021)

In 1978, Thin Lizzy released their acclaimed album ‘Live & Dangerous’. Phil Lynott on hearing the original live recordings from 1976, found they were full of mistakes and bum notes, so asked to re-record some of the vocal and all of the bass parts, which were dropped in for the release of the album. An amateur bass player is asked to accompany, without practice, a recording of the album, to play the bass parts as closely as possible to each track on the album, working chronologically from Jailbreak through to The Rocker.



An amateur bass player is asked to accompany, without practice, a recording of Thin Lizzy's album ‘Live & Dangerous', to play the bass parts as closely as possible to each track, working chronologically from Jailbreak through to The Rocker.


Join us for the opening reception on Friday 1 October where there’ll be a host of live performances to accompany these works throught the evening, 6-10pm

Andy Webster, '8 par can lights, dimmer packs, and mister driven by every chord from every song in DB’s the little black songbook, from Absolute to Ziggy', 2021


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Andy Webster

b. 1964 in Mansfield. Lives and works in Botallack.

Andy works individually and collaboratively across sculpture, performance, moving image, and sound. Recent collaborative work has explored sculptural reconstructions as a means of re-examining specific historical, cultural and fictional events. He is currently making sound and light works that utilise live audio feeds, recordings of his own voice, and samples from 70's comedy routines, death metal growls and VLF radio phenomena.


Recent projects include:

Forthcoming in 2022: ‘Maverick House’, with Derek Tyman, Exhibition at Ebersberg Kunstverein, Germany; In December 2021,‘So the Red Rose’, with Derek Tyman, Exhibition at Fred & Ferry, Antwerp, Belgium; ‘Chimes’, Exhibition at Auction House, Redruth, UK; So the Red Rose - Arcadia Radio, with Derek Tyman, as part of the Arkadien Festival, Ebersberg Kunstverein, Germany; ‘Droppers', with Darren Ray, Garden of Earthly Delights, Extinction Rebellion, Hackney, London, UK; ‘Search for the Disco King’, with the Bowie Lounge, Performance Centre, Falmouth University, UK; ‘Signals From Another World’, with Darren Ray, Residency and exhibition at Roja Artlab, Roja, Latvia.


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